The band so cool they went for all caps AND l e t t e r s p a c e s played in our place last night. Had a bit of a walk around just before doors and surveyed the stage for cool warez:

gigs and gigs and gigs and gigs and gigs and gigs and gigs and gigs...
Posted on 14:46 by Peanut | 0 comments
The band so cool they went for all caps AND l e t t e r s p a c e s played in our place last night. Had a bit of a walk around just before doors and surveyed the stage for cool warez:
Posted on 13:47 by Peanut | 0 comments
Posted on 13:41 by Peanut | 2 comments
Posted on 13:38 by Peanut | 0 comments
Sometimes during the course of my work day, I get to play with new toys:
Posted on 13:36 by Peanut | 0 comments
It's not all rock & roll in our venue (more's the pity, sometimes...).
'Go Global', a week of events for International Students, culminates in a day-long event called 'Global Village', showcasing the cream of the international crop. Most of the 'performances' however look something like this:
Posted on 18:10 by Peanut | 0 comments
Purportedly the world's loudest PA, the Valve Sound System visited us a few weeks ago. It was certainly powerful. They'd obviously put a lot of work into reproducing deep lush bass frequencies (just look at the ratio of bottoms to mids to tops.....), and at 96kW it's not your average Dave's Mobile Disco:
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